Crono dancing B4U (Chronotrigger)
This page deals with Dance Dance Revolution(DDR) - the very addictive dancing videogame created by KONAMI ©1998,2002

DDR Addiction test

PS2 Bad quality USB Adapter 8MB MemoryCard MagicGate PlayStation2
Note : Please do not make illegal copy of any game - This helps game developing teams to release better games!

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DDR addiction survey current status

How much DDR-addicted are you?
Check every box you answer "yes" to, and find out!

General questions >>>

1. Do you know what DDR is?
2. Do you know what DDR stands for?
3. Did you ever watch someone playing DDR?
4. Did you ever play DDR?
5. Do you play DDR regularly?
6. ...more than 5 hours a week?
7. ...more than 10 hours a week?
8. Can you clear beginner songs?
9. Can you clear 4-feet songs? (not necessarily ALL)
10. Can you clear 5-feet songs? (not necessarily ALL)
11. Can you clear 6-feet songs? (not necessarily ALL)
12. Can you clear 7-feet songs? (not necessarily ALL)
13. Can you clear 8-feet songs? (not necessarily ALL)
14. Can you clear 9-feet songs? (not necessarily ALL)
15. Can you clear 10-feet songs? (not necessarily ALL)
16. Can you clear ALL 10-feet songs?
17. Can you clear 10+ feet songs?
18. Did you ever clear ALL beginner songs? (and checked them)?
19. Did you ever get an A?
20. Did you ever get an AA?
21. Did you ever get an AAA?
22. ...This best grade (A, AA, AAA) : Can you do it on a 3- feet song?
23. Can you do it on a 4-5 feet song?
24. Can you do it on a 6-7 ft song?
25. Can you do it on a 8-9 ft song?
26. Can you do it on a 10+ ft song?
27. Did you ever get 100 combos?
28. Did you ever get 200 combos?
29. Did you ever get 300 combos?
30. Did you ever get 400+ combos?
31. Did you ever get a full combo?
32. Was it on a 100+ steps song?
33. Was it on a 200+ steps song?
34. Was it on a 300+ steps song?
35. Did you ever get an Extra Stage?
36. Have you ever been applauded for your score?
37. Did you ever take part in a official tournament/competition/ranking?
38. … And won some matches?
39. … more than 50%?
40. … more than 75%?
41. Did you ever get an award/price for your score?

Options >>>

42. Can you clear any song in shuffle mode ?
43. Can you clear any song in sudden mode?
44. Can you clear any song in hidden mode?
45. Can you clear any song in reverse mode?
46. Can you clear any song in stealth mode?
47. Can you clear any song in dark mode?

Style >>>

48. Have you ever been applauded for your style?
49. During your performance, before the end of the song?
50. Did you ever get an award/price for your style?
51. Do you perform freestyle regularly (without prior preparation)?
52. Did you ever totally memorized a song, to perform it without looking?
53. Was it a 100+ steps song?
54. Was it a 200+ steps song?
55. Was it a 300+ steps song?
56. Did you ever print all the steps of a song?
57. Did you ever study such a printout to see the best things to do on your song?
58. Did you ever performed (and cleared) 3+ styles?
59. … 5+ styles?
60. … 10+ styles?
61. Have you ever been filmed or recorded with a video camera for your style?
62. Have you been remarked by someone and proposed to do demonstrations?
63. Have you been remarked by someone from the company Konami, and asked for a job?
64. Have you ever been pleased to show off? or are you EXTREMEly proud of your shows?
65. ...Did you react when you saw 'EXTREME' in capital letters on the line above?

Songs >>>

66. Can you name 10 DDR official songs? (without naming the corresponding artists)
67. Can you name 10 DDR official mixes?
68. Can you name your favorite 10 songs?
69. Can you name your best 10 scores (2 digits only: only the millions) and the corresponding songs?
70. ...With 3 digits?
71. …With 4 digits or more? (if so, you normally begin to realize you are mad)
72. Can you name the 10 songs you play most frequently?
73. Can you name 10 official DDR artists?
74. For 5 songs of your choice, can you say how many maxcombos there are?
75. ...For 10 songs?
76. Can you name 10 DDR official songs that contain a number?
77. Do you know the BPM of 10 songs of your choice?
78. Can you name 10 DDR official songs from the artist Naoki?
79. Can you name 10 DDR official songs where the BPM is lower than 100?
80. Do you know any arcade song with a level higher than 10 (not equal)?
81. Do you sing DDR songs under the shower?
82. Do you find yourself humming/singing DDR songs while in public?
83. Do you find yourself humming the step sequences of DDR songs (by opposition to the background music) while in public?
84. Do you find yourself humming a DDR song which has no lyrics?
85. Do you find yourself tapping the desk(with your fingers) the step sequences you have memorized, at your desk, at school, at work, or in a public place?
86. Do you find yourself tapping the floor (with your feet) the step sequences you have memorized, at your desk, at school, at work, or in a public place?
87. Do you listen to rhythm games songs regularly (while not playing)?
88. …Without listening to local or international new songs (various artists)?
89. Do you mix your own rhythm games songs compilations (to listen to it in your car for example)?
90. Did you ever played a DDR song with a musical instrument?
91. Do you believe that XXXXX, who is an artist introduced by Konami, is an extremely GOOD artist, the best of all times, far among the others, even from other non-DDR-related artists?
92. ...Did you think 'PERFECT' or 'GREAT' instead of 'GOOD'?
93. Do you believe that XXXXX, who is an artist introduced by Konami, is an extremely BAD artist, the worst of all times, far among the others, even from other non-DDR-related artists?
94. Have you ever heard a licensed song in DDR, without knowing it has been broadcasted on radio before (like 'No limit', 'Dub-I-Dub', 'Cartoon Heroes', 'Which doctor', 'Wanabee', 'Irresistiblement', 'Kung Fu Fighting', ...)?
95. ...Did you just say 'Huh??! What!!?? THIS song has been played on radio before??' ?
96. ...Did you think about other songs like this that were not in this list?
97. Don't you know that SAKURA melody comes from japanese folklore?
98. Can you write any japanese symbols/ideograms which are involved in some songs?
99. Are you aware of the meaning of most songs lyrics?

Some specific songs >>>

100. Can you clear Sakura in heavy mode?
101. Can you clear Max300 in heavy mode?
102. Can you clear The legend of Max in heavy mode?
103. Can you clear Max Unlimited in heavy mode?
104. Can you clear Max.(period) in heavy mode?
105. Can you clear bag in heavy mode, and speed x1?

Equipment >>>

106. Do you own a soft dance mat?
107. Do you own a metal dance pad?
108. … with a 'bar' (also known as 'rail')?
109. … 2 metal dance pads?
110. Did you spend more than 300$ in your DDR-related equipment?
111. …more than 1/3 of your salary/income?
112. …ALL your salary/income?
113. Did you build your own dance controller?
114. …with plans you designed?
115. Do you regularly play another rhythm games from BEMANI, just to improve your DDR timing?
116. …more than 2 other rhythm games?
117. Did you ever played a non-rhythm game with a dance mat or metal pad?
118. Do you have a room dedicated to rhythm games, at home?
119. Do you know where is located the nearest arcade center (equipped with DDR games)?
120. Did you ever celebrate the installation of a new DDR game at the arcade center?
121. Did you ever travel 100km or more only to play DDR in an arcade center?
122. …1000km or more?
123. Did you ever travel abroad to go to a tournament?
124. Do you know how much costs a metal dance pad?
125. Did you spend globally more money in arcade DDR games than the price of a metal dance pad?
126. …twice the price of a metal dance pad?
127. Did you ever ask your friends for money to spend it in DDR games in an arcade center?
128. …and someone you don't know?
129. Did you ever miss your bus/train/plane because you were playing DDR?
130. Did you ever break a soft dance mat? Credits to Unknown for this one.
131. ...a (hard) metal dance pad? Credits to Unknown for this one.
132. Did you ever get hurt playing DDR? Credits to Lore for this one.

Vocabulary >>>

133. Do you know what a 'cata' is?
134. Do you know what a 'black flag' is?
135. Do you know what a 'SDG' is?
136. Do you know what a 'SDP' is?
137. Do you know what a 'toasty' is?
138. Can you name all the 5 categories written on the groove radar?
139. Do you know what each of these stand for?
140. Do you know why the pattern 573 is present in many DDR games?
141. Do you use acronyms when talking about famous songs (like 'LOM' for 'The Legend Of Max' or 'PSM' for 'Paranoia Survivor Max')

Collaboration >>>

142. Did you ever do an official song edition ('edit')?
143. …And played it in the arcade with your memory card (for exemple on the DDR Extreme)?
144. Did you ever do your own edits on an unofficial music?
145. Was this music never been chosen by anyone else for an edit?
146. Did you compose the music?
147. Did your edit contain light, standard, and heavy steps?
148. Did your edit contain beginner steps?
149. Did your edit contain lyrics?
150. Did your edit contain a background video file?
151. Did you write some BGA (background animation) script code for your edit?
152. Did you ever created keyboard steps?
153. Did you create more than 10 edits?
154. Did you create more than 20 edits?
155. Did a friend congratulate you for your work?
156. Did someone you don't know congratulate you for your work?
157. Did one of your edits was the main subject of a topic (initiated by someone you don't know in real life) on a DDR forum or newsgroup?

Socializing / Civilization (mix) >>>

158. Have you ever been a member of a DDR team?
159. Did you ever start a conversation like "Can you clear the song XXXXX ?"
160. ...Did you ever insist, asking "OK, but which grade did you get ?"
161. Did you ever start a conversation related to a DDR score, style, the number of 'perfects' or the number of 'greats'?
162. Did you ever argue about a score, the number of 'perfects' or the number of 'greats'?
163. Did you ever argue about a style judgement?
164. Do you play without your shoes in public because you think it will be more accurate?
165. … Did you ever argue about this?
166. Did you ever argue about timing accuracy?
167. Did you ever take photos/screenshots of score/ranking? Credits to Unknown for this one.
168. Did you ever take part in a DDR-discovery event, (to help beginners) as staff?
169. … 3 times or more?
170. …Did you brought you own equipment?
171. Was it only for fun (got no money for doing that)?
172. Did you ever take part to a DDR songs blind test?
173. Did you ever organize a DDR songs blind test?
174. Did you ever dream about DDR?
175. Did you ever do DDR-related drawings?
176. Did you ever write arrows/steps sequences on a sheet of paper?
177. ...Was it a real sequence from an existing song?
178. ...With the actual arrow colors?
179. Did you ever create a DDR club/team?
180. ...Does it still exist today?
181. Did someone tell you he/she has started to play DDR after having watched you playing?
182. ...Did you help this person to improve his/her level?
183. Did you ever use announcers sentences while talking (like 'Did you do your best?', 'Legend, you are a LEGEND!!', 'It was good! I won't forget your dance!', 'You are supreme!!', ...) ?
184. Have you ever made a joke (or play on words) related to DDR or songs?
185. ...Did noone get it?
186. ...Did you repeat this joke another day?
187. ...Did anyone post your joke on the internet?
188. Did you name your computer the name of a DDR artist (or song, or mix)?
189. of your pets?
190. of your children?
191. Did you convert someone who wasn't liking DDR into a DDR-fan?
192. …more addicted than you are?
193. Do have a rhythm game related T-shirt?
194. …Did you designed it?
195. Did you ever write an essay about DDR or rhythm games?
196. Did you ever write a story about DDR or rhythm games?
197. Did you ever write a poem about DDR or rhythm games?
198. …Was any of them as part of an assessment (school, graduation...)?
199. …Did you just think about the song 'Graduation'?
200. Did you ever argue with your significant other (or girlfriend/boyfriend) because you were too much playing rhythm games?
201. ...Did you break up with this person?
202. Is your significant other a rhythm games adept?
203. Did you meet your significant other in a ryhthm games event, or competition/tournament?
204. …Was it your initial goal?

Net Socializing >>>

205. Did you ever post on Ddruk forums?
206. Did you ever post on Ddrfreaks forums?
207. Did you ever post on Bemanistyle forums?
208. Did you ever post on SMOnline forums?
209. Did you ever initiated a topic on those forums?
210. Did noone answer your post?
211. Do you have score videos on your computer?
212. Do you have style videos on your computer?
213. Did you ever post some of YOUR scores/styles, videos?
214. Do you have a DDR section on your website?
215. Are you on any DDR-related mailing lists?
216. Do you run any DDR-related mailing lists?
217. Do you read DDR-related newsgroups?
218. Do you post regularly on DDR-related newsgroups?
219. Did you create an DDR-related newsgroup?
220. Are you a moderator of any DDR-related forum?
221. Are you the webmaster of any DDR-related forum?
222. Is your number of posts higher than the number of posts of a moderator, or even the webmaster?

DDR Clones >>>

223. Did you ever play In The Groove?
224. Did you ever play Stepmania?
225. Did you ever play Dance With Intensity?
226. Did you ever play another unofficial DDR software?
227. Did you ever install one of these unofficial DDR software programs at school, or at work?
228. ... Did anyone noticed it?
229. Did you ever created a customized 'Announcer' to use it in such a DDR software?
230. Did you ever created a customized 'Theme' to use it in such a DDR software?
231. Did you ever created a customized computer desktop theme related to DDR?
232. Did you ever set a DDR-related screensaver on your computer?
233. ...Did you create it?
234. Did you ever created your own unofficial DDR software to play?
235. Did you ever created your own unofficial DDR steps editor?
236. Did you ever reported a bug/malfunction to help the developers to improve any unofficial DDR software?
237. ...Was it a real bug?
238. Did you create an account (on SourceForge for example) specifically for this bug report?
239. Did you ever mailed remarks or suggestions about any unofficial DDR software?
240. Did someone of the development team banned you afterwards?

Overall addiction >>>

241. Did you ever think about DDR when you notice an arrow in the street?
242. Did you ever think about DDR when you see the words GOOD, GREAT, or PERFECT?
243. Did you ever think about DDR dance pads when you see tiling on the floor (in your kitchen or bathroom for exemple)?
244. Do you think about 'Max' songs whenever you see the word 'Max' or 'Maxi' in the street? Credits to DamDam for this one.
245. Do you want to practice dance?

Extra stage >>>

246. When reading this test, did you think that some of the points you didn't do were good ideas, and that you're gonna do this later?
247. Did you do something only to increase your score calculated in this test?
DDR arrow DDR arrow DDR arrow This is the end. Check this one in order to validate all your answers.
You may want to enter your name here: (optional)
Test revision history:
23 Fev 2006: First version
28 Fev 2006: Added some questions
10 Mar 2006: Added one question
15 Mar 2006: Translation into French
18 Mar 2006 02:19:45: Added 1 question. Credits goes to Lore for this contribution.
22 Mar 2006 12:58:37: Added 4 questions. Credits goes to Unknown for this contribution.
24 Feb 2007 20:34:12Last update.

Disclaimer: Pictures and music files are the property of their respective owners. Any distribution of these original files is illegal. Think about it. You won't find anything illegal for download here.
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